难以想象麻省理工的电路课竟以如此搞怪的方式讲授,主讲老师Anant是edX的主席、MIT电气工程和计算机科学专业的教授,带领另几位大牛打造了这门颠覆性的基础理论课程,堪称经典,也为国内制作慕课的老师们提供了一个绝佳的范例。 本课涵盖模电、数电的大部分重点知识,此次是在edX平台重开,8月25日开讲 去报名提示:如遇edX无法访问或无法观看视频则需VPN翻墙 课程简介The course introduces engineering in the context of the lumped circuit abstraction. Topics covered include: resistive elements and networks; independent and dependent sources; switches and MOS transistors; digital abstraction; amplifiers; energy storage elements; dynamics of first- and second-order networks; design in the time and frequency domains; and analog and digital circuits and applications. Design and lab exercises are also significant components of the course. Weekly coursework includes interactive video sequences, readings from the textbook, homework, online laboratories, and optional tutorials. The course will also have a midterm exam and a ?nal exam. 常见问题What textbook do I need for the course? Will the text of the lectures be available? What are the prerequisites? I don’t have the prerequisites, Can I still take the course? |